Dental Implants – Huntsville, OH

Lifelike Replacement Teeth Built to Last

man smiling outdoors with dental implants in Huntsville

No matter how many teeth you’re missing, you’ll want to replace them with a solution that looks great, feels natural, and stands the test of time. At Northwest Family Dental of Huntsville, we’re proud to offer dental implants, which are lifelike replacement teeth that are built to last. Since Dr. Kevin Grill can complete the entire procedure from start to finish right here in his office, he can ensure your treatment is top-quality every step of the way. To learn more and schedule your consultation for dental implants in Huntsville, call our dental office today!

Why Choose Northwest Family Dental of Huntsville for Dental Implants?

  • Dental Implants Placed & Restored In-House
  • Low-Interest Dental Financing Available
  • Modern, Comfortable Dental Office

What Are Dental Implants?

X ray of a person with a dental implant

Instead of sitting on top of your gums or remaining teeth like dental bridges and dentures do, dental implants are embedded directly into your jawbone. They are basically artificial tooth roots. Since they’re made from biocompatible titanium, they naturally begin to integrate with the jaw after being placed. This gives them the same sturdiness as your original teeth. When this process – called osseointegration – is finished, Dr. Grill can attach a dental crown, bridge, or denture to the implants to bring back the appearance of your smile. Essentially, dental implants are built just like natural teeth, making them the closest thing possible to reversing your tooth loss!

The 4-Step Dental Implant Process

dentist putting a crown on a dental implant model
  1. First, you’ll attend an initial consultation with Dr. Grill in order to determine whether dental implants are ideal for you.
  2. After you get the green light, you’ll be scheduled for dental implant surgery at our practice. Dr. Grill will expertly place the implants into your jaw during this procedure.
  3. Over the next three to six months, your jawbone will fuse with the implant posts.
  4. After your implants are firmly in place, Dr. Grill will secure your restoration (crown, bridge, or denture) on top of them to complete your smile.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants require a surgical procedure and other steps. Because of this, they are able to provide patients with a wide array of benefits that cannot be achieved with other tooth replacement options. Continue reading to learn about some of the many advantages of replacing your missing teeth with dental implants.

Day-to-Day Benefits

Woman brushing her teeth

Once your gums and jawbone have healed completely, your dental implants shouldn’t feel any different from your natural teeth. You might even forget which tooth is the replacement! Here are some of the benefits that you can experience every day:

  • Easy to Maintain: Caring for dental implants is just like caring for natural teeth. Just brush, floss, and rinse with mouthwash every day.
  • Stronger Bite: Dental implants can restore your bite force up to 90%! This is much more than what you can expect from dental bridges and dentures.
  • Confidence Boost: If you are currently missing teeth, it can be easy to lack confidence. Dental implants can completely change how you feel about your appearance.

Health Benefits

Man at the doctor’s office

Dental implants positively affect your entire body. Here are some of the ways that they can influence your health:

  • Dental Health: Missing teeth increases your risk of numerous dental problems. This includes gum disease, misalignment, and additional tooth loss. Dental implants are able to prevent these issues from occurring.
  • General Health: Dental health and general health are very closely related. When your smile is thriving, you are at lower risk of many serious health conditions, like diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
  • Prevents Bone Loss: When the jawbone isn’t being stimulated with regular biting and chewing, the body begins to reabsorb it. Dental implants replace the roots of the missing teeth, therefore stimulating the jawbone and preventing it from deteriorating.

Long-Term Benefits

Man smiling outside

Dental implants have a higher upfront cost compared to traditional dentures and dental bridges. However, there are many good reasons for this. Here are some of the benefits that you can experience for many years to come:

  • Long-Lasting: Dental implants are extremely durable. When cared for properly, you can anticipate them to last for multiple decades or the rest of your life.
  • Success: Dental implants have over a 95% 10-year success rate. Dental implant failure is very rare.
  • Cost-Effective: Dental implants have a higher cost upfront, but they are made to last for a very long time. You won’t need to spend more money on relines or replacements. You also don’t have to stock up on special products, like denture adhesive, to maintain them. Most of all, dental implants help to prevent dental issues that are costly to treat.

Who Dental Implants Can Help

smiling woman holding white mug in coffee shop

Dental implants are undoubtedly the most versatile way to replace missing teeth. Whether you’ve lost one tooth or an entire mouthful, they can bring back your smile in a way that flawlessly mimics the original. Practically any healthy adult with a strong jawbone is suitable for this treatment, but the details may vary depending on the number of teeth you need to replace.

Missing One Tooth

To recreate a single missing tooth, a dental implant can be placed into the jaw where the tooth’s roots used to be. After it has merged with the jawbone, Dr. Grill can attach a crown on top for a solution that completes your smile without modifying any of your remaining teeth.

Missing Multiple Teeth

A traditional dental bridge requires removing enamel from the surrounding teeth for support, but we can also anchor a bridge onto dental implants to replace three or more consecutive teeth while preserving the rest of your smile. A small number of implants can also hold a partial denture in place for several missing teeth that aren’t in a row.

Missing All Teeth

Even a full denture can be supported by dental implants. In most cases, it only takes between four and eight implant posts positioned strategically along the jaw to keep an entire row of prosthetic teeth in place in such a way that you’ll never need to worry about slipping or gum irritation. Plus, implant dentures can be either removeable or fixed, depending on your preferences and needs.

Understanding the Cost of Dental Implants

Dental team member and patient discussing the cost of dental emergencies

Dental implants offer lifelike, long-lasting results, and these effective smile restorations require patients to make a larger investment of time and money upfront than other solutions. Since no two treatment plans are exactly alike, our team at Northwest Family Dental will walk you through every step and the price associated with each before we begin restoring your smile. With this in mind, keep reading to learn some of the factors that influence the cost of dental implants in Huntsville, and contact our team with any further questions.

Preliminary Treatments & Dental Implant Surgery

surgery for cost of dental implants in Huntsville

If you have existing oral health problems, you'll likely need preliminary treatments before moving forward with the dental implant process. Even though services like gum disease treatment, tooth extractions, and bone grafting will add to the overall cost of your treatment, depending on your case they can be necessary to maximize the lifespan of your new smile. Fortunately, most of them are partially covered by dental insurance.

Keep in mind that dental implant surgery has a cost of its own. The good news is that we offer in-house implant placement, meaning you won’t have to worry about receiving a bill from an outside specialist. You can look forward to compact and simple fees instead of multiple payments to various practices!

The Parts of Your Dental Implant

implant bridge illustration for cost of dental implants in Huntsville

When it comes to dental implants in Huntsville, the cost is affected by multiple factors including:

  • Material – Implants made of zirconia instead of titanium typically cost less.
  • Brand – Manufacturers make dental implants differently based on the needs of each patient. Be sure to ask your implant dentist where you’re getting yours from as well as any brand-specific benefits.
  • Number of Dental Implants – Obviously, replacing a single missing tooth with one dental implant will cost less than replacing an entire row with an implant denture.
  • Type of Restoration – Crowns, bridges, and dentures each cost different amounts. Expense corresponds to the size of the restoration.


How Dental Implants Can Save You Money

mature man brushing teeth for cost of dental implants in Huntsville

Patients on a budget often choose dentures or dental bridges as their method of tooth replacement because they’re cost-effective. Even though dental implants have a higher upfront cost, they end up paying for themselves over time. For example, you won’t need to spend on replacements or adjustments every few years.

You also don’t have to worry about purchasing special pastes, solutions, or other products to maintain your rebuilt grin. All you must do is care for your implants like you would for your natural teeth! Since they’re easier to maintain, you can more easily avoid oral health issues that would require costly dental treatment.

Does My Dental Insurance Cover Dental Implants?

dental insurance illustration for cost of dental implants in Huntsville

Most dental insurance plans do not offer coverage for dental implants. However, there are some exceptions. Certain parts of the final restoration or your preliminary treatments might be eligible for coverage. Before committing to anything, contact your insurance provider to confirm the details of your coverage. Our team is happy to help with that step if needed!

Making Dental Implants Affordable

tooth and piggy bank for cost of dental implants in Huntsville

Don’t have dental insurance? No problem! We work with third-party financiers to help make your dental bills much easier to manage. With CareCredit, you can sign up for low-to-no-interest payment plans to break up the overall cost of your treatment into smaller monthly installments.

Also, we offer an in-house membership plan that provides a 20 percent discount on all treatments completed at our office during the membership year. Contact our team to schedule your visit with an implant dentist in Huntsville today.

Dental Implant FAQs

Dentist pointing to model of dental implant that patient is holding

If you’re interested in learning more about dental implants before scheduling a consultation with our implant dentist in Huntsville, then this next section is for you! Below, you will find the answers to FAQs about this popular tooth-replacement solution – from how successful they are to what causes them to fail. Of course, if your question isn’t listed below, you’re more than welcome to give us a call as well.

How Successful Are Dental Implants?

There are numerous reasons roughly 500,000 patients choose to restore their smiles with dental implants each year, and their impressive success rate is one of them! When placed by a skilled and experienced professional, they have more than a 95% success rate. Naturally, how you care for your dental implants, teeth, and gums matter as well, which is why we strongly recommend adopting healthy habits like brushing twice a day, flossing consistently, and visiting us every six months for a checkup and cleaning.

What Can Cause Dental Implants to Fail?

On the rare occasion that dental implants do fail, it’s typically due to two things: peri-implantitis and failed osseointegration. The good news is that our Huntsville team takes proactive measures to help prevent both from arising. For example, since peri-implantitis is a form of gum disease that develops from poor oral hygiene, being consistent with your oral hygiene regimen can dramatically reduce your risk of it developing. As for failed osseointegration, that’s when the jawbone and the implant don’t fuse properly. So, we will assess the density of your jawbone prior to the procedure and, if needed, recommend a bone graft.

How Can I Tell If My Dental Implant Is Failing?

If you notice anything abnormal, including inflamed gums or pain around the implant, then you should call us ASAP. The sooner you do, the sooner we can conduct an examination and determine the root of the problem.

How Long Do Dental Implants Last? 

Dental implants can actually last for more than three decades! Of course, you need to take great care of your smile in order to prolong the lifespan of yours. In addition to implementing a solid at-home oral hygiene regimen, we recommend wearing a nightguard if you grind your teeth, visiting us twice a year for a checkup and cleaning, not smoking, and eating a well-balanced diet filled with nutrient-dense foods.

Will I Have to Take Off Work for Dental Implant Surgery?

Typically, patients need a day or two to recover from dental implant surgery. With that said, we may recommend taking more time off if your job is physically intensive. After all, the last thing you want is for complications to arise, compromising the treatment process. If you’re worried about taking time off work, consider scheduling your appointment on a Friday so you have the weekend to focus solely on healing.